Season of Mourning - Official

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SEASON OF MOURNING "Gray Shaded Sun" single, cd/t-shirt bundles available

Size XXL currently SOLD OUT
Gray Shaded Sun - limited edition, hand numbered, full color CD SINGLE (limited to 100 copies) - $ 3 (includes p&h - North America only). Please contact us at seasonofmourning@comcast.net for international shipping rates
Saturday, September 16th
Wilmington, Delaware
Gray Shaded Sun T-Shirt - available in sizex M to XXL - $ 18 (includes p&h - North America only). Please contact us at seasonofmourning@comcast.net for international shipping rates.
with RAVEN, Infernal Opera and more
Saturday, October 14th
Gray Shaded Sun CD SINGLE/T-Shirt Bundle - limited edition, hand numbered, full color CD SINGLE (limited to 100 copies) & T-Shirt (M to XXL), Gray Shaded Sun mp3 download, SEASON OF MOURNING sticker - $20 (included p&h - North America only). Please contact us at seasonofmourning@comcast.net for international shipping rates.
Gray Shaded Sun CD SINGLE/T-Shirt PLUS Bundle - limited edition, hand numbered, full color CD SINGLE (limited to 100 copies) & T-Shirt (M to XXL), full length SALVATION cd, Gray Shaded Sun mp3 download, SEASON OF MOURNING sticker - $27 (included p&h - North America only). Please contact us at seasonofmourning@comcast.net for international shipping rates.
IMPORTANT: All items can be purchased thru PAYPAL at czarmourns@comcast.net. When ordering please include mailing address, t-shirt size (if ordering t-shirt), and email address (for mp3 delivery) in comment section. If ordering outside of North America, please contact us for International posatge & handling rates at seasonofmourning@comcast.net before placing order.
Wilmington, Delaware
with ATTACKER and more

SEASON OF MOURNING to release single, "Gray Shaded Sun"
TOIL RECORDS has set June 30th as the release date for "Gray Shaded Sun", the newest single from Philadelphia-based Progressive/Doom Metal band, SEASON OF MOURNING. As with their 2013 full length release, Salvation, the mastering duties will be handled by bassist/producer, Joey Vera (Armored Saint/Fates Warning/Motor Sister). The single will be available in digital format, as well as limited run cd release.
For additional press inquiries contact TOIL RECORDS PR at 215-742-8400 or toilrecords@gmail.com

INSIGHT (live)
BAR XIII 10.12.24

SEASON of MOURNING "Forever Silent"
As some of you know, the band is currently writing new material for their follow-up to SALVATION. Recently, at Finnigan's Wake opening for TROUBLE, we thought we'd give one of those new songs a test run. ROCK TITAN TV was there to capture it all on video. Here is "Forever Silent", performed for the first time exclusively on ROCK TITAN TV.
SALVATION receives a 4.5/5 review on PowerlineMag.com
Check out the review of SALVATION by Ray Hogan at PowerlineMag.com at the following link:
"SALVATION "...compelling ...smart - and unfashionable"
"Salvation" received a 7/10 review in the most recent issue of Decibel Magazine (#113 -Behemoth on the cover), calling the newest SEASON of MOURNING release "...compelling", as well as "smart - and unfashionable". Pick up a copy of Decibel Magazine to read the full review. Available at you local book store or newastand.